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  • Updated:

    Jun 18, 2023

  • File Size:

    24.12 MB

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Zakeh Limited

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  • platform:


  • Updated:

    Feb 5, 2023

  • File Size:

    40.1 MB

  • Version:


  • Developer:

    Zakeh Limited

  • Category:


  • tag:



Pou is a popular mobile game that has gained millions of players worldwide. The game is all about taking care of a virtual pet, who players can feed, play with, and take care of. In this guide, we will provide tips and tricks for players to ensure their Pou is healthy, happy, and thriving.

One of the most important aspects of the game is feeding Pou. Players can feed Pou different foods, including fruits, vegetables, and meat. Different foods will have different effects on Pou, making it important to choose wisely.

Pou loves to play, and players can keep him happy by playing mini-games with him. Players can choose from a variety of games, including jumping, catching, and bubble pop.

Just like a real pet, Pou needs to be kept clean. Players can give Pou a bath, comb his hair, and brush his teeth. These actions will increase his health and happiness levels.

Players can decorate Pou's home to create a space that reflects his personality. Players can purchase items such as furniture, wallpaper, and flooring to create a personalized space for Pou to live in.

Now, let's dive into some tips and tricks that will help players take care of their Pou and keep him happy and healthy.

Feed Pou healthy foods

As mentioned earlier, different foods will have different effects on Pou's health and happiness. Players should aim to feed him healthy foods like fruits and vegetables to keep him in good health. Overfeeding Pou can lead to weight gain, so players should also be mindful of the portion sizes.

Play mini-games regularly with Pou

Playing mini-games with Pou is not only a great way to keep him happy, but it also provides players with coins that can be used to purchase in-game items. Players should make it a habit to play mini-games with Pou regularly.

Keep Pou clean and healthy

Keeping Pou clean and healthy is important to his overall well-being. Players should make sure to give him a bath, comb his hair, and brush his teeth regularly. This will increase his happiness and health levels.

Customize Pou's home

Customizing Pou's home is a fun way to make it a personalized space that reflects his personality. Players can use coins to purchase items such as furniture, wallpaper, and flooring to create a home that Pou will love.

Watch ads for extra coins

Players can earn extra coins by watching ads. This can be helpful for purchasing items or playing mini-games that require coins. Players should take advantage of this feature to earn more coins.

Take breaks to avoid burnout

Playing Pou for extended periods can become monotonous and tiring. Players should take breaks to avoid burnout and return to the game with renewed energy and focus.

Pou is an engaging and entertaining game that requires players to take care of a virtual pet. By following these tips and tricks, players can ensure that Pou is healthy, happy, and thriving. With patience and dedication, players can create a customized and personalized space for Pou to call home, and enjoy a fulfilling gaming experience along the way.


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